
Ferguson TE20

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Merk Ferguson
Type TE 20
Transmissie Working
Motor Running
Banden achter 10.28
Plaatwerk See pictures
Eigenschappen 3 point hitch
Marge Ja

Ferguson TE 20 petrol with (USA built) Continental Z120 petrol engine. Rare model due to limited edition. This model was made with an American engine because the British supplier (Standard Motor) was not ready with the development of their engine and also because Ferguson wanted to compete on the American market with Ford, following the lawsuit concerning the rights of the Ford -Ferguson. Recognizable by the bump on the gearbox, the "bend" in the exhaust pipe and the small round brake pedals (later oval)

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Start datum 16 apr 2018 18:00
Sluitingstijd 23 apr 2018 20:42
Start bod € 500,00
BTW 0%
Commissie BTW vrij 6%
BTW over Commissie 21%
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