
Avance 35 HP

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Merk Avance
Type 35
Serie Nr 10883
Transmissie Manuel gearbox
Motor 2 Cylinder, Diesel, Hotbulb, Simular to Lanz Feldtank tractor
Vermogen 35 HP
Banden voor Steel wheels
Banden achter Steel wheels
Plaatwerk Repainted
Eigenschappen Rare tractor!! Start burner, Nice details
Marge Nee

2 cylinder hot-bulb engine, simular to Lanz Feldtank tractor

Model 1924
Manufacturer: AB Avancemotor, Augustendal, Nacka.
Tractor for three-cut plow. 2 cyl. ignition engine, 30 hp later 30/35 hp. Weight 2660 kg.
In 1923, a new chief engineer, engineer Fritz Nilsson, was employed, who previously worked with motor plows / tractors at Bofors. A first prototype was tested in the autumn of 1924. The first series of 20 tractors was ready for delivery in the spring of 1925.
In the spring of 1927, 20 tractors were exported to Australia. Within a few months many of the crankshafts had gone off and also destroyed the cylinder blocks on some tractors. It was thought that it was due to Australia's heavier fuel which required a different setting of the injectors. One reason was also that the crankshaft was only three-bearing in combination with a heavy flywheel. Avance sent a man down to help with the modifications. These included a four-bearing crankshaft and a new cast housing with an extra bearing that could withstand the weight of the flywheel. The house made the tractor 15 cm longer. Other modifications were also made. All 20 tractors were rebuilt in the fall of 1927. From 1928, these modifications were standard and the weight of the tractor had increased to 3330 kg.

Model 1928
Manufacturer: AB Avancemotor, Augustendal, Nacka.
Tractor for three-cut plow. 2 cyl. ignition engine, 30-35 hp. Weight 3330 kg.

About 500 were manufactured in 1924-1930. Some were delivered to manufacturers of road machinery including to Svedala.
Most tractors were exported. The tractors exported to Argentina had "El Sueco" (the Swede) cast on the cooler instead of Avance. The name Avance was recorded in Argentina.

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Vuurijzer 5
5753 SV Deurne
Start datum 14 apr 2020 17:00
Sluitingstijd 20 apr 2020 21:36
Start bod € 10.000,00
BTW 21%
Commissie 6%
BTW over Commissie 21%
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