
Kramer Allrad

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Merk Kramer
Type TS 1014 Allrad
Serie Nr 100967
Transmissie Manuel gearbox
Motor 6 cylinder Deutz, Diesel, Running
Vermogen 121 HP
Banden voor 600/65R38
Banden achter 600/65R38
Cabine Yes
PTO Yes, Dubble PTO
Plaatwerk Repainted
Eigenschappen Rare tractor!!, 3 point hitch, Trailer hitch, Hydraulik valves, Air.
Marge Ja

With the two-way Trac 1014 from Kramer, a pioneering system tractor concept was realized, and tractor manufacturers hardly dared to sell or develop such a pioneering system at the time. Perhaps this idea came a little too early, especially since there were hardly any suitable attachments available for the two-way Trac at the time. With only approx. 210 copies sold, the 1014 was also a rarity and unfortunately not a sales success. The sales figures in the tractor industry fell and existing customer requests were still processed. The tractor production was then stopped in 1980 and the construction machinery sector was concentrated. Today, the Kramer company produces construction machinery after several mergers. Three performance classes were produced as the 1014, 1014 S and 1014 TS. In August 1975, there was a fourth variant with a turbo engine.

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Vuurijzer 5
5753 SV Deurne
Start datum 14 apr 2020 17:00
Sluitingstijd 20 apr 2020 21:40
Start bod € 5.000,00
BTW 0%
Commissie BTW vrij 6%
BTW over Commissie 21%
Onder voorbehoud van gunning
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